Thursday, November 25, 2010

Oh Turkey Day.....

So I have a lot to be thankful for, but below is a list of 29 things that I'm most thankful for. One for each year I've been around, and with no further a due here we go....
29) Football - its my sport of choice. Its something that I find nostalgic and hopeful. Not to mention something people bond over and a source for family to gather together and enjoy.
28) For my ability to read. I've gotten more pleasure lately from reading than I have in a while. I'm reminded how much I enjoy getting lost in books.
27) Hand in hand with 28, my book club. Those gals have re-sparked my love and thus appreciation for reading again, and it reminded me that I need to take time for me.
26) Netflix. Seriously we'd be lost without it.
25) Music and our dance parties. I am beyond thankful for the music I get to enjoy and the thrill from finding new songs/artists/albums. Also for the dance parties we have as a family. Knowing Lucy gets a kick out of her "tunes" as much as I do makes me smile.
24) The Internet
23) The fall we had this year. Every October/November, but this one optimized it, I realize there is a spring in my step that comes with the crisp in the air and the crunch of the leaves. I adore the fall and it is by FAR my most favorite time of the year. Although with winter being my second I'm not to sad to see snow.
22) Halloween! The party this year, trick or treating as a kid, and now taking Lucy...what isn't to love.
21) Photos. My skills as a photographer are wanting, but photos in general and the memories they invoke are awesome in the truest sense of the word.
20) My long hair. Nerdy and lame but its true. Not being that dorky girl with the bad hair that I was as a kid left me yearning for pretty hair as an adult. Although I do still need to work on my styling at times, ponytails, up dos, and curls I <3 my hair.
19) The BBC with Dr. Who, Top Gear, Torchwood, Sherlock.....oh how I love it.
Oh and now Being Human!
18) Spicy Food! Mexican, Indian, Asian its all good and you know me I'm not prejudice. Good is Good.
17) Grandma Bonnie. For her I'll be forever thankful. Knowing her made me a better person and a terrific name for our daughter.
16) Modern Medicine - this one is hopefully obvious.
15) Cooking. I love to do and I love that at the end there is, usually, something delicious as a result. I love share what I've made. Trading recipes, and spending time with friends. Also I love teaching Lucy and bonding in the kitchen is some of my happy memories that I look forward to passing down to the kiddo.
14) Hot showers
13) Back/Foot Rubs (this would be another Sean nod really)
12) My friends. For reminding me that I too am still cool, for the support they give me, for the courage and strength I gain from that support, for them I'm very thankful.
11) My growing will power. I've stopped biting my nails....again. Lets hope it sticks.
10) Clean Sheets, well hell a bed to put them on (this is also another nod for Ma & Poppi)
9) A job that I don't despise.
8) Tea and Coffee. These warm toasty beverages are both ritualistic, social, delicious and something which I throughly enjoy to the point I'm so thankful I'd be much less pleasant if they weren't available. Not to mention with the upcoming cold weather is there anything more satisfying?!
7) My family. Ma, Poppi, Victator, Dee Dee, Kikki, Josh, Papa Joe knowing they have my back, that they continue to be creative and wonderful push me to be a better person. I not only love them because I'm related to them I truly care because of who they are.
6) Knitting, mine but mostly Sean's. I love that things so warm, useful, and cool can be made with a few sticks and string essentially.
5) Scary movies, since I was a kid its been my favorite genre. Don't really know why but it gives me the most entertainment usually and for that I'm thankful.
4) My IUD
3) Hope and my ability to dream.
2) Lucy. I will always be thankful for her. She is the greatest gift, the biggest lesson, greatest challenge, and best reward. She beautiful, smart, funny, and ever changing. She has given me the desire to be the best I can be. She has reignited an excitement for holidays and carnivals, for snow and balloons, she has made it all new and wounderous again. I can't wait to see what she'll do next
1) For Sean. I can't imagine life without him nor am I even tempted too. I would be lost and a wreck. He brings out my best and pushes me to be better.He means the world to me and lets me know that I do to him. He's my best friend and to know he's by my side for whatever comes our way us a comfort most people will never know. It doesn't hurt that he's cute too. For Sean I could not be more thankful.

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