Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Invasion, Recreation, and Recovery

So this last week was super busy. Vicky came in from NY. Ugh, how I missed her. Honestly, I'm a bit perturbed on how much I <3 my little sister. Having her visit made me realize how much I wish she was always around. Lucy adored having her Tante here. (With as many Aunt as Miss Lucy has Victoria got creative and dubbed herself with that nickname as it means aunt in German.) Lucy was well aware of who "Tante" was and was addressing her by name. Lucy played with Victoria and getting the goose in and out of the car became a breeze with Vicky's help. I must admit I even cried some after we dropped her off at the airport on Saturday. Again with the UGH, when did this happen?! Still she swears she'll be coming back for turkey day. I really hope she does. I'm super proud of her for going to UB and for doing her own thing. But selfishly I'm ready for her to migrate back to the 801. We really didn't even do anything super exotic or vactiony...just hung out and it was a blast. Victoria's only major flaw is that she still claims Dr Who "isn't good," which clearly is a fabrication and out right lie. Dr Who is glorious and that and the Sean and Lucy show were the only things that cheered me up. The twins also came down with Sarah and we had the best time at the dinosaur park. It was a lot of fun and Lucy is nuts about the little tikes park thingy she inherited from them.

This last week also brought the arrival of Leslie "Champ" Edsall. (Yes Champ is his middle name and what he'll go by.) An tiny little fella who looks just like his Dad. Meaning he simultaneously made me an Aunt for the first time and made me feel momentously old for remembering how it felt to hold his dad, Joe/Bubba, when he was that age. Joe also gave me a similar feeling at 5, when I felt so grown up to get to help take care of someone so helpless and be a sister for the first time. We weren't there for the birth, but hilarity ensued later when we came to visit and went to the wrong hospital. Still Victoria was there and Cory Brown...my other brother, seriously this kid has been in our family (weddings, visiting parents, you name it) since he and Joe were friends back in elementary....so I felt good about that.

Because there is never a dull moment Lucy is changing everyday. She's growing and changing. She's a little person that never stops and I adore every cell of that kid. She's the best parts of Sean and I. I can't think of anything better then spending time with her and Sean. It doesn't matter if she wants to read or watch Charlie and Lola for the billionth time or swing and slide at the park till my arms want to fall off I can't get enough of this gal!
Well Sean's fast asleep, as is Lucy. It would seem that its early bed time for Team Cope. Sean hit the sack just before nine and Lucy went down moments after seven. So a sucker for a trend I"m off to bed in hopes of waking up as rested as these two are bound to be.

1 comment:

Chris, Deb and the Ava Jayne said...

may i just say that i LOVE charlie and lola. it's my favorite!