Tuesday, July 7, 2009

bound to melt your heart

I'm rapidly approaching the absolute hardest part of my day. Just before 8 as Sean and Lucy drop me off at the hospital I turn around and Lucy waves goodbye. She tells me she loves me and then I face Sean who does the same. UGH seriously every day its taking more of me to get out of the car. I like working with the clients we have and my coworkers are awesome, but damn if I don't wish there was something I could do at home where I could be with the goose more. I was too spoiled that first year. Arg, off to do it all over again.

1 comment:

Becca said...

That did melt my heart. seriously. So I'm SO glad to see your cute family every now and then these days. I think you give some of the greatest advice ever and you are one of the nicest people I know. So pretty much I think you rock. Anyway, the end :)