Thursday, June 9, 2011

Who Dat Girl?!

So I've been blissfully busy the last little while. Went with Kelly and Brandie to Bruno Mars and realized few things. One, I'm enamored with Janelle Monae, she's brilliant and a must see! Her show made me tired just watching her! But her songs are infectious and as a performer there are few on the same level. Two, Bruno Mars is just as delightful live. His songs are pop perfection and he didn't disappoint (me or the throngs of screaming girls.) Three, Utah county blows. Seriously boo, not for me....but then that's the least shocking things...ever! Also though because apparently Kelly got sick :( (note the sad face.)
Also Miss Victator came to visit <3. This is were I gush on and on about how much I adore her and wish she lived closer. About how she is one of my best friends, makes me so proud, and that I just wish her nothing but happiness. Yadda yadda yadda I didn't take enough pictures and she shuffled off to Buffalo way to soon.
I've got to go make dinner and enjoy another lovely evening at home. Just hope Sean makes it back soon. He's counting the days until the new gig starts. I'm not thrilled by the prospect of the new hours, but it will keep us here easier/perhaps even longer. We're lucky for Kiki. Well, that was a lovely flight of ideas, hmm; to use a preferred farewell, tootles!

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