Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Buzzing from the Beehive

So I just got an early birthday present I have tomorrow off...YEAH! Anyway I'm going to try and take that opportunity to get some stuff done around the house/yard, and get as much as I can done leaving myself free to enjoy my weekend. It's been a pretty productive week already. Sean got a part time gig in the ER at McKay! Despite that being his dream job, an illusive and hard to get into department, and oh yeah - oh so much closer to home. He'l do two 12s there and stick with LDS for now, working two 8s. It's so amazingly awesome. I'm so proud and happy. Sean realized he didn't like what he did, and changed it. He set a goal and achieved it. Beyond cool! Lucy had her well visit. She is doing great. Although, like we imagined, on the small side. She is very healthy and more than any parent can hope for. The doc suggested that she always get 12ish hours of sleep. She does on any day she gets a nap, but Tuesdays and sometimes Wednesdays don't always a lot for that to happen. Thus we are taking to bumping up bedtime Mon-Thurs. So far so good, we'll see how it goes. I managed to also get my new license. Turns out I had to get YET another one, with the whole turning 30 thing. Utah's new wacky laws meant more paperwork and hassle, but I managed to get in and out in less than ten minutes! The yang to this yin, however, was the worst picture I've ever had for my id. Just awful, so here are my dos and don'ts for the dmv:
*pre-print and fill out whatever applications you need before hand (literally bi-passed all the suckers filling stuff out and went straight up to the teller.)
*have everything you need out of your bag and in hand
*have one more proof from their list of 'approved' things as they ask for
*keep glasses and a comb on had
*ride over in sweaty ass car on a 90 degree day with no air conditioning
*forget to wear makeup that morning
*assume your hair will fall ok, just bring a ponytail holder
*mess up the first two photo attempts so badly that you can't stop giggling, sure a real smile is nice but a fake smile is probably the way to go

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