Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Grand Theft Autmn

Man I love October, I mean right?! Football, Halloween, the best weather (although to be quite honest it’s been a bit warmer than I like, but hey I’ll take it,) and fall clothes are my favorite. It’s the perfect time for tea and coffee although winter does fabulous in this department too. I still adore a late night tea or coffee and then again first thing in the am, and with that bite in the air it just makes it all the better. OOOH and baking! Yeah bring on the oven. Needless to say I’m in the full swing of fall. In fact this weekend I’m hoping to perhaps tackle a Martha wreath, we’ll see how brave I feel. I’ll also be doing my second batch of Amish bread. I’ve got so much though. I think I’m realizing what Krysta’s mom was referring to. I mean the work/baking part is fine, but I’ll still have starters and a more loafs of bread than I need. Perhaps I’ll see if Nic and Joe would maybe like to meet up and pick up some hand me downs and a loaf or two. The Soiree was this last week. It was smaller than last year, but still fun. I think we might try and stick with this venue. LOVED IT! Only next year more advanced warning of the date, and we’ll just plan everything earlier in general. The food was much better this year, and there were some hilarious costumes. I love how creative people get. Lindsey and Kelly I think won that category hands down. If I had a fraction of their skills I would take over the crafster world. LOL!  I just love being an adult but still reviling in what is by far the best holiday. Speaking of witch (hehe get it) we hit up the pumpkin patch and might do so again, plus witchstock is this weekend. I might try and do a little something before the Weber game on Saturday. Man it’s a charmed life I lead. The Weber State tickets we got gifted to us are fabulous. We have a lot of fun. It’s so nice to watch a live game too. That said I love being home. I mean I’ve been really busy, and thus a busy body. But with Sean’s wacky schedule I find myself alone at home sometimes at night and random days, and the odd part is I’m totally fine with it. I want to be home. I can’t remember when I last felt like that! Sometimes I let my worrisome and pessimistic self wander into the land of what ifs and I start to panic “waiting for the other shoe to drop” so to speak. And freaking over all I DO still have to worry about, but I try to remember that we are making baby steps everyday in the right direction, and that ultimately I have a family who I adore, friends who truly care, a daughter who reminds me every day that life can be fun and that if nothing else I’ve managed to exceed my goal and be a great mom, and a best friend/husband who is more support and love than most people will ever know. And then I’m back to loving fall.  So if you’re looking for baked goods, a horror movie, or a dance come on over. Oh two more random things big at HQ lately, we’re into board games (the new Dominion, deck building kind) and I’m digging on pinterest.

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