Saturday, October 8, 2011

Quick One

So my grand illusion, not a styx reference, of being able to pack/move/unpack and fit in a few blog posts didn’t come to fruition, but here are the remaining four attributes about Sean.
*His humor. Holy cow he is a funny fella. It’s nice to be able to live with a near constant source of amusement. It’s also nice since his and my humor is off beat we mesh well that way. It doesn’t seem to matter how bummed or upset I am. He can get me to crack a smile.
*He’s hot. I mean, there is no denying it, and I don’t mean to sound shallow. But he is one attractive guy.
*He’s smart. His intelligence is not only attractive but an asset. He pushes me to maintain some relevance of my intellect. Having a conversation can consist of the trivial but it will also delve into a realm that requires my brain to work on all cylinders.
*His loyalty. There are few people commit themselves more wholly than Sean. I try and live my life that way, and to have him as an example just reminds me what a truly endearing quality it is.
There you have it. Sean has a multitude of other aspects that I can’t resist, but there are six that pop into my head first. We had a great anniversary. Although we celebrated a day late since we both were working ten plus hour days. We had a day date while Lucy was at preschool. I just love that we try and squeeze in some aspect of our wedding/honeymoon into our celebrations. This year it was a prickly pear margarita. We drank them in the Vegas airport when our flight to Hawaii was grounded for an additional two hours. A great moment and reminder of its not where but who your with.
Another great moment happened last night. It’s cool when something happens, and you take it in realizing that THIS will be a memory you treasure. Last night in the car, Lucy and I had one of those. As I pulled up to the house, Katie Perry came on the radio. Lucy was thrilled and hopped up from her car seat and said “mom it’s our song!” We proceeded to sing out at the top of our lungs “waking up in Vegas.” As we danced and sang she pointed at me for lyrics, and I couldn’t stop smiling.
We are in the new digs. I absolutely love it by the way. I know that Dee had/has trepidations about the move, and I dreaded the process, but I must say I haven’t felt this “at home” since the place on Kenmore in Buffalo. I’m thinking, if we can swing it, this might be where we stay for a long while. I mean it’s only been a week, but we’re completely unpacked (and were in like 24 hours.) Everything just kinda fell into please, and seemed to have a place of its own right away. Anyway, I’ve got more and will put up pictures but for now I’ve got to run.

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