Thursday, October 27, 2011

I have a cold. BOO! I hate it but I'm happy to report the number one remedy is still rocking hard, sleep. I was able to catch some zzz's yesterday and I think it has done wonders. As to the root of the bothersome viral bully, no idea there are too many suspects to count. I am betting on a kiddo co worker combo, but like the Mona Lisa's smile the true cause will remain a mystery.
Still I've managed to remain upbeat and sorta productive. With much assistance from my newest, and gloriously over sized mug that my gal pals brought back from Disney. Nothing motivates like a ginormous cup of tea, except maybe the delicious cookies Kelly made. Oatmeal is sooo underrated. I just wish we had more. And while I gave up on the wreath, Martha did inspire some holiday gifts that I'm working on. I've mapped out a pattern and I'm really excited about what outcomes they should bring. I think Camp Cope will approve.
Along with my cold the other much experienced dread of open enrollment also prepares to rear it's despised head. You'll never guess premiums and deductibles are going up?! Shocking right? Well after releasing the appropriate amount of corresponding rage, we're gonna just turn and take it so to speak. The other choice of taking the super high deductible plan is just to treacherous a path. With a little one, my icky history a few years back, and a pending vasectomy well it's just not a great option. (You like how I slid that last part in there. Yeah! I'm sly like that.) I'm thinking of sponsoring a party. I know a few fellas who want, and some who should, have the good ol snip snip. Sean had a fab idea that we have an overnighter. Boys go get there business taken care of then they come home and have a dudes night in full of action movies/video games/and all things man cave approved. Sure the recoup time is more than a night but the first night is supposed to be the worst, and I'd be here to refill cups and supply nachos. We'll see.
Can I just say that I have pretty much the best family, btw. Sure I brag about it a lot, but I'm reminded pretty much everyday that my kid rocks! She is more fun, well adjusted, and just all around awesome. I'm sure my endless love is a big part of it, but I think she is light years cooler than a lot of cats out there. And Sean, how many ladies want to make out with their fella after all this time? Yeah well I do too! Plus I've got the bestest sisters, both legit and of the in law variety. Speaking of ILs, yeah those are wonderful as well. Maybe it's my profession, my past, or who knows but recently I just look around me and can't believe how lucky I am. While this was never my plan, wife/mom/psych employee, I'm rocking these gigs and wouldn't trade them for anything.
By the way another fun excursion I've had of late, last week Kelly, Ma, Lucy and I went and saw Ghostbusters in the theater. OMG I was beyond thrilled. This has always been one of my two favorite movies. My love of Venkman knows no end. Perhaps that is the attraction to Sean, I'm sure its part of it because his similarities to Peter are obvious. Anyway we had a blast with a girls night at the movies and it made me feel like a kid again.
Yadda yadda yadda this flem can't get me down.


Deborah said...

I wonder if we can sign the fellas up for a 2 for 1 deal on that procedure?

Leah said...

I got the name of a doc from a gal pal of mine :)